"The role had turned over 3 times in 3 years."

"I already know what's not working, and I've made changes over time to improve the situation. But now? Now I'm just ready to do it better."

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It's hard to recall how many times I've heard some version of this statement from a client. And when this situation rears its head, it's very often about hiring.

It's the same point I reached when I came to coaching as a client.

There was a manager role in the company, and it should have been filled with the right person, doing the right work, in the right way. Instead, the role had turned over three times in three years.

Some duties and responsibilities were accomplished, but I could never shake the sense that..

  1. The organization wasn't making progress with anything connected to this role,

  2. Maybe I had hired the wrong person AGAIN and

  3. Somehow #1 and #2 were my fault.

There are so many factors outside of our control when we lead - industry factors, national and global economies, and the whims of our customers.

I get excited to help leaders build processes to hire better because who we hire is well within our control.

Let's work together to do this better.


President John Laslavic and Vice President Wendy Lydon

President John Laslavic and Vice President Wendy Lydon

We get the question a lot.

“What is a business coach? Who do you help? Am I someone who could use a business coach?”

A business coach is an advocate, sounding board, counselor and cheerleader to help you (and your team) get results.

Here are just a few examples of who we work with:

—Leaders looking to better understand how to navigate personalities, quirks, strengths and weaknesses of his or her individual team members

— Corporations looking to not just run business more strategically, but also want to invest in the personal and professional growth of its top performers through leadership training, executive coaching and more. They are looking to achieve growth in sales, revenue, business value, employee satisfaction and a tremendous improvement in their quality of life.

— Non-profit organizations looking for strategic help with specific projects or overall business model

— A business executive who wants to be better at her craft to help her be more marketable in the industry or put herself in the best position to grow within the company.

— An individual who is between careers wanting some coaching on what direction might be best suited for them. We can help with interviewing skills, resume building, sales skills and more.

— Companies looking for assistance with mergers and acquisitions.

— Skilled workers turned entrepreneurs who are looking for coaching on the ins and outs of running a successful business while living an abundant life.

Ultimately, it is our passion to work together with successful business owners and executives in improving the value of their business, company, department and quality of life.

Because your business should lead to abundance.

ThistleSea Announces Two New Leadership Coaching programs

For those desiring to be more powerful, effective leaders

Executive Leadership Coaching Program

This advanced program is designed to strengthen the competencies of business owners and executives, set a baseline for both individuals and organizational current leadership, review benchmarks for the current state and help establish goals and priorities for future leadership development and coaching. 

This program will help you self-discover, reflect upon and identify the strength of your leadership competencies and skills in ten core areas. These core areas are a unique compilation of knowledge and insights gleaned from top leaders, executives, educators and mentors from around the world. 

The 10 core areas include: 

  1. Self-Awareness
  2. Communication Skills and Conflict Management
  3. Self-Discipline, Focus and Decision Making
  4. Relationship-Building and Social Intelligence
  5. Executing for Results
  6. Persuasion and Influence
  7. Teamwork and Innovation
  8. Shaping Culture and Organizational Change
  9. Thinking Strategically and at a Higher Level
  10. Positive Psychology

Emerging Leadership Coaching Program

Some employees who are great at their technical work may be emerging as potential leaders for the future. As the company grows and retirement of the baby boomer generation accelerates, what are you doing to avoid the high cost of turnover? Are you training your high potential employees to successfully take on new roles in supervision and leadership positions? 

The Emerging Leadership Coaching Program is designed for the high potential employees who are part of a company’s transition plans to move into supervision, management and executive leadership roles in the future and for those leaders who want to refresh their own leadership skills. 

This program focuses on strengthening leadership through application of best practices in the following 15 areas:

  1. Business Systems
  2. Choice Management
  3. Coaching
  4. Communications
  5. Customer Experience
  6. Financial Management
  7. Gross Profit
  8. Human Resources
  9. Leadership
  10. Management
  11. Marketing
  12. Motivation
  13. Personal Effectiveness
  14. Sales
  15. Strategic Planning

Both programs are designed to provide you with the tools for a leadership journey that will inspire and excite, strengthen the business, and apply leadership best practices. Organizations can use these programs in a group, one-on-one, or customized for their specific needs. 

To learn more, contact one of our ThistleSea business coaches at 724-935-1930 or info@thistlesea.com