Strengthening Your Workforce

By John Laslavic

Many businesses we talk to are in dire need of employees with two important characteristics; (1) their attitudes of service honor the business code of conduct and (2) they have the technical competency to perform in their position at a high level. 

Today, most owners and executives advertise for positions when an employee leaves (or right after the employee gives notice). Owners and HR departments perceive that they're competing for quality employees in their specific market segment. And they complain that there are no quality candidates to fill open positions.

Without denying that market factors can impact one's local labor market, we submit that there are three things that business owners and executives can do to reduce the number of open positions, quickly fill vacant positions, and improve the quality of work in the company's workforce.

  1. Stop hiring and start marketing!
    Take action to continuously network, market and accept applications and resumes. Don't be afraid to replace non-performers or those who bring down morale.

    Accept responsibility for the results you are achieving. Don’t make excuses or blame others. Your organization has a lot to offer, and you need to clearly communicate those benefits to your target potential employees.
  2. Evaluate performance.
    Identify each employee's role in the organization, and evaluate individual performance on an ongoing basis. Provide coaching and feedback to each employee, and follow up on all corrective actions to ensure improved performance. Replace employees that are not happy, not performing, and do not share your organization's values.
  3. Actively seek “on-deck” candidates.
    Create a bench of candidates that meet your company's requirements (also called "ondecking."). By creating a talent pool of qualified candidates, you can avoid long vacancies and continually identify more qualified applicants. That will improve and upgrade your organization's workforce.

ThistleSea can work with you to both evaluate your current system and coach your organization to improve it. Give us a call at 724-935-1930 to learn more about our capabilities.

Am I ready to hire my first employee?

So I have a company and I'm thinking about hiring an employee. Are there best practices I should follow?

Although the hiring process may be complex, ThistleSea outlines 10 specific steps to make it more clear.

We suggest you follow these 10 steps:

  1. Design the position.
  2. Prepare a revenue forecast.
  3. Prepare the job description, performance standards and performance evaluation.
  4. Seek candidates.
  5. Select the top 5-10 candidates for phone interviews.
  6. Disqualify candidates who do not meet the job requirements.
  7. Schedule and conduct first face-to-face interviews.
  8. Conduct employment checks.
  9. Schedule and conduct second face-to-face interviews, during which the performance standards are reviewed in detail. (At this time it may be appropriate to conduct behavioral assessments.)
  10. Make your decision and prepare the offer letter!

Would you like to hire with confidence? Contact ThistleSea to make it happen!

"Because your business should lead to abundance."