"Why Am I Even Doing This?" When Business Owners Hit Their Breaking Point


“Why am I even doing this?”

It’s a question with which many of our clients have come to us when they find themselves in the middle of a struggle in their life or their business.

….when they’ve hit their breaking point and know it’s time for a change.

…when they’ve spent so much time working in the day-to-day of the business that they’ve forgotten about the passion that made them start it in the first place.

…when they’re so exhausted from spending more time on the business than enjoying the benefits of it.

When you lose sight of your why, it’s easy to lose your way.

And in a year where so many of us are under pressure … it makes it easy to focus on the obstacles, instead of looking beyond it and remembering why you’re on the path in the first place.

That WHY is what will help you through these times.

That WHY is what will help you shape the decisions

That WHY is what will help you define a clear vision of what success is.

That WHY is what will keep you motivated when the speed limit drops.

That WHY is what you get to celebrate.

We want to know … WHAT IS YOUR WHY?

Write it below.

Put it out there.

And then put it somewhere you can see it.

And let it drive you.