Vulnerability and The Entrepreneur: Its Power To Help You Thrive

A lot of start-up entrepreneurs got there because they were really good at their technical skill.

A masterful chef decides to open her own restaurant.
An entrepreneurial-minded attorney decides to break off from his firm and start his own.
A great landscaper says, “I am good at this skill - wouldn’t it be great to use it and work for myself (and have other people work for me) instead?”

Many times when this happens, a person will find themselves realizing that there is more to running a business than just being great at the skill.

There’s management skills.
Leadership skills.
Strategy needs.
Marketing initiatives.

Many entrepreneurs find this out in the first couple of months of business, but fear being vulnerable and asking someone to help them; thinking it means they aren't capable of running a business.

It’s scary for them to look in the mirror and say, “Am I not good at this?”

But if MORE people would be willing to embrace that vulnerability, more businesses would thrive … and thrive FASTER.

We want to help you remove those fears and face them. And once you face them, we want to help you work through them to ultimately find more success (and more happiness) as you pursue your dreams.

Reach out. We can help.